Quirky Spottings Spotted...
Yup, yup. It's officially my 2nd week of my holidays and I'm back to my blogging mood again... I hope, I think, I suppose, I guess, I anticipate, you anticipate, or maybe you anticipate not. Whatever the case is, here are yet more quirks that have been discovered on this quasi-boring island of singapore...
Well, according to these two advertisements: One states that the bride on the left is glad that there's someone that has been there before her, which probably refers to her mum. The other states something like the pregnant lady's glad that there's someone to stand by her. To me, the advertisements are similar on top of the fact that there's someone beside them. Hmmm, maybe it's just me, but the graphics of the lady on the left seemed to look like she's also with a huge tummy and holding on to it... so... someone who was been there before her may not really point to the part being a bride but well, whatever she was holding on to?
Yes, Yes, Point Taken
Perhaps it was due to a very bad experience of the cleaner, having to cope with super urgent toilet users surging into the toilet as she is cleaning it, such that a drastic measure like this had to be taken?
Time Out?

1. How on earth the cat got up there. Did it climb the chair, or did someone put it there? From what I know, this can't be the shopkeeper as this would potentially reduce his earnings from the newspaper.
2. How on moon (puns intended, as you'll see/read) this cat grew such that it's rounder than the moon? It's a male... so it can't be pregnant. Note: this is a newspaper stand.
3. How on sun (puns intended too) this cat manage to sleep in broad daylight? Man, this must be a really chao nua (ie. really lazy) cat.

1. It is to signify that the urinal surface is probably as dirty/germy as a housefly and one should try to avoid touching the surface of the urinal.
2. The designer of this quirky urinal is quirky. It's unexplainable other than fact that it is a quirk, just like how some software giant is the explanation of multiple bugs of a certain operating system that most people use.
3. Possibly, that was the optimum targetted area to prevent any backsplash of any sort during the usage of the urinal. This being said, the engineer of this urinal must have done various tests, curve plotting and calculations to optimise the ease of use of this urinal. This naturally leads us to the next conclusion...
4. The picture of a houselfy was used to arouse people's irritation of houselfies so that the user would naturally try to hit that spot by aiming at the houselfy.
5. It is a tactic used by the cleaner to turn away clean freaks so that they will not use the urinal. This would potentially reduce the total amount of cleaning for urinals. Then again, I doubt this is a smart tactic as more cleaning would be done in other areas of the toilet...
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