A Cookie's Life

Warning: This is mostly a crappy blog. Crappers and crap-accepting folks alike: Welcome! To all others: Warning. Danger! Keep Out! Read On At Your Own Risk! The author shall by no means be liable for any damage caused directly or indirectly, implicitly or explicitly as a result of the reading of the contents of this blog.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Well, just last saturday, I failed the audition. The good thing is that there's a re-audition in 2 weeks time, so, there's still hope for me. The bad thing is... I'm totally shaken, and I'm not confident at all about the re-audition. In short, I feel totally inadequate. On top of that, I'm really freaked out about history repeating itself, when my mind goes totally blank again. And because of the above (and some other stuff that I'll not mention), I feel (note: It's just a feeling) like giving up, although the rational part of me would prevent me from doing so.

Sigh... Please pray for me...

Monday, May 21, 2007

When Crappiness 走火入魔 And... Hmmm...

嘿!你看一看。看华文把我做成什么! 平常,我没有问题发挥我的义见在这个电脑日记 (我的以前电脑日记的文章是证据)。可是现在,看啦!我有很多问题开始写这个电脑日记的文章。哦男人!这是坏。坏坏坏坏坏不能再坏了。

所以,我为什么用华文写电脑日记呢?你好,当我没有说为什么先,让我保证你我不是喜欢痛的人。我也没有被“伯哥” 给钱来写华文。(那个“伯哥”的网老板不像我。他/她/他们[我希望]的神经没有问题。他/她/他们是不会负钱给一个像我的华文水准的人的。)

所以,我为什么用华文写电脑日记呢? 你好,第一。。。。 喝喝喝,让我们跳第一个原因吧。第二,我很闷。第三,啊 改!这太累和难了!我放气!

[English Translation]

Hey! Look at what Chinese has done to me. Usually, I have no problems expressing my thoughts in this blog (the previous entries found here are a proof of this) but look - now I am having difficulties trying to start typing this entry. Oh man, this is bad. It’s so bad that it can’t get any worse.

So, why am I blogging in Chinese? Well, before I state my reasons, let me assure you that I am not masochistic. Neither am I paid by blogger to blog in Chinese. (Unlike me, the webmaster of blogger is [I hope] a sane man/woman/group of people. He/she/they will not pay someone of my Chinese calibre to blog in Chinese.)

So, why am I blogging in Chinese? Well, firstly…. Hmmm, let’s skip the first reason. Secondly, I am bored. Thirdly, arghhh! This is too tedious. I give up!

Conclusion: It'll be ages before crappiness 走火入魔 at this rate again, I hope.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Strange Engineering Logic

Yesterday, I was in the computer lab doing my Computer Aided Design (CAD). After I asked the professor to vet through my assignment so as to declare it as done, this interesting conversation took place...

[After some discussion and grading of Glass Cookie's CAD assignment for the day...]

Prof: So, are you Singaporean, or are you Indonesian?

GC (somewhat taken aback at the abrupt switching of topics, but later convinced himself that he should get used to such a question, considering its frequency): Erm...

GC's thoughts (interrupting within a few seconds): Hmmm, looks like it's another +1 to the Indonesian category [Fyi, GC's nationality/race has usually been mistaken to be one of the following (all but Singaporean, sadly): Indonesian, Korean, Japanese, Hong Konger, Eurasion... etc.]

GC (continuing, after a short pause after GC's thoughts interrupted): I'm... Singaporean? [well, GC didn't exactly retort back a question. Rather, it was more like his expression was such that he tried to convey a question about how the prof came with that conclusion]

Prof: Oh, I see. You see, because I don't hear any singlish coming from you, I thought you're probably Indonesian or something.

GC's thoughts: Huh? That's... new...

GC (trying not too reveal that it felt/seemed/'logic-ed' strange to him): Oh, OK.

And with the above taking place, perhaps to establish my nationality, I should consider asking him in this manner, "Eh... prof, you know hor, I finish this question already leh. So, you come see and mark, can? See got anything wrong or not? Thank you ah..."

And of course, just in case you thought that the engineering prof who was there in the lab had some strange logic, well, that's not exactly the main gist of this post. Well, if you noticed at the start of the post, I mentioned that I was doing CAD (ie. usage of computers to create 3d models for prototyping). That was actually one out of three modules that I have to do for this crappy school term in order to come up with a physical "engineering innovative design" (EID - the name of this crazy project) prototype. The other two modules are Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD, using computers to solve for aerodynamic flows over an object) and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT, techniques used to scan for cracks without having to damage the component being tested, through surface dyes, x-rays, ultrasonics... etc). And yup, for 5 whole weeks (OK, maybe not 5 whole weeks considering that I have an audition at the end of this month. Perhaps 5 days less of 5 weeks), I have to be in school to go through these 3 modules and meet with my group to discuss as to how to create some prototype of some sort, which in my opinion, is a total waste of time and exploitation of students. Hmmm, just in case I end up talking about my grievances instead of the original intended content of this post, I'd better get back to the topic...

As I was saying (or rather, typing), considering that my group came up with the idea of improving the current powder dispensing machine for drinks, and that the three modules have got to be applicable (I mean, why else would they teach something totally unrelated and non-applicable to students for this EID project, right?), I tried to reason the rationale of having these 3 modules. And after some thought with the help of the crappy side of me, I came up with the following flow of thoughts/conclusions:

- These three courses must be applicable considering that those big guys at the top, being part of engineering college and hence deduced as logical people supposedly, decided upon them.

- In engineering, I have been thought that the stages of design are: concept, design (CAD), analysis of design (CFD), and then the prototyping. In aer*space, maintenance is also required, and detection of defects for maintenance is done via NDT.

- The only possibility of these 3 modules applicable and used is such that: 1) The dispensing machine would be modeled with the help of computers using CAD. 2) Following that, analysis of the aerodynamics and performance of the dispensing machine at around Mach 1 or beyond would be done with the help of computers (considering that I was taught turbulent flow in CFD and you need high enough a velocity to reach turbulent flow). 3) After all that is done, we take the prototype and send it flying at that kind of speed to test the accuracy of the CFD analysis. 4) Finally, NDT is used to test for any cracks or defects that might have occured due to the harsh conditions experienced by the prototype.

Thought: I hope the poor dispensing machine would be able to last its maiden voyage...

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Earphone Rebellions Cum Tragedies

Just yesterday, as I tried to remove a set of new earphones from its original packaging, somehow the earpiece went through a dismemberment process. Apparently, one of the earpieces detached into two pieces. Although most people would be irritated at such a happening, I wasn't too affected considering that scotch tape could be used to tape that part back. If you're wondering why I'm not too affected about damaging a new item I've bought, it's simple: This is but a mild case of an earphone being damaged in my lifetime experience of many earphone deaths. I'm numb to it somewhat, but not totally. Then again, it could be quite irritating in other occasions (ie. it was not a mild injury to the earphone, but a fatality) when I have to buy an earphone YET again when the previous one was bought not too long ago.

You see, in a short span of 3 years ago up till today, a total of 5 earphones have been bought, and this was how 7 of them died (you see, although I bought 5 of them, I had 2 others with me before that) with respect to my bought earphones:

Earphone No -1 (well, since this earphone and another had to 'die' before I bought my first out of the five earphones, I can' t possibly put it as the 1st. And since the same can be said for the other earphone, I guess -1 and 0 would be appropriate)
For this earphone, it came form my sony discman. Fatigue (ie. not physical tiredness) probably broke the wire connection such that there was no sound coming from one side, followed by the other in a short period of 1-2 weeks.

Lifespan: 2 years

Earphone No 0
Well, this set of earphone came with the creative mp3 player that was given to me as a birthday present. Sadly, somehow fatigue caused the earphones to produce no more sound just like the other.

Life span: 3-6 weeks - and for that reason, I somewhat condemn earphones by them.

Earphone No 1
Since I have no idea what to get, I got a pair of $9.90 Panasonic earphones (the sound was terrible, as expected of a cheap pair of earphones) and somehow, it didn't last too long again because, well, fatigue just like the first case caused the earphones to produce no more sound. But since the sound quality was terrible, I was somewhat pleased as it gave me reason to change it.

Lifespan: 1 month.

Earphone No 2
Still unsure of what else to get, somehow I rationalised that perhaps, a more expensive set of earphone of the same brand would last longer. And as such, I got a pair of $19.80 Panasonic earphones. Well, the sound kinda improved. But on a particular faithful day, as I walked up the bus, somehow the earphone got hooked to something and the shearing force snapped the wire.

Lifespan: 2+ weeks -
(and to me, this was a joke. Double the price for half the lifespan is... @#^%&)

Earphone No 3
This memorable (well memorable because of it's lifespan) sony earphone somehow died in a tragic accident involving another hooking incident in which the maximum yield stress of the wire was exceeded. As such, failure occurred. It will always be remembered by its master for being the most faithful (or rather, least-rebelling) component.

Lifespan: slightly over a year

Earphone No 4
Knowing it's lasting capability and sound quality, I got back the same sony earphone. It was working faithfully, until some freak accident caused the wire to snap. Somehow I was walking past some sharp corner and the earphone got hooked. the next thing I knew, my ears hurt (you could try to imagine the mechanism of injury to the earphone and my ears on your own)... and the wire was snapped at the root.

Lifespan: 3 months

Earphone No 5
This time, deciding on playing safe, I decided to get back the same model again rather than risk a case similar to earphone no 2. The thing was that, as I shopped for the same model, I noticed one of those mini shops on level one of JP were selling it, and at 3 dollars cheaper - $18. And so, I thought: "Why not get it? It's cheaper, looks the same... hmmm, perhaps mini-shops like these need to sell stuff at a cheaper price to attract customers". When I heard the sound quality, it was terrible (well, it's as bad as the $9.90 panasonic earphone, and it could be best described as cheap cassette tape playback quality), and on top of that, the size was huge such that your ears hurt wearing it barely over a minute. My guess was that, it was an older version. Hmmm, so much for a mini-shop selling cheaper goods.

Quasi Lifespan (Erm, it's not dead - at least not yet): Technically speaking, 3 days, considering I used it for only 2 days. The first day, I tried it and the sound quality was terrible. Then, I kept it back in its packaging on the 2nd day and bought the true version - that of the previous/late/deceased panasonic earphone. The 2nd time/3rd day I opened it (ie. earphone no 5) again, well, it disintegrated. And yup, this earphone is the one I was mentioning about at the start. Well, at least it's still alive enough to produce sound.

Status: Handicapped with a scotch tape cast.

Earphone No 6
Well, because the sound quality of the above earphone was quite bad, I bought this one, which is the correct model as earphone no 4. I guess with money comes quality in the case of sony earphones.

Lifespan: Indefinite - it's still working.

The interesting thing is that for most electric components, especially if it's the computer, I usually enjoy blessings of favouritism from the components. This is one of the many countless typical scenarios of the times I enjoyed stuff like that:

GC Sis (exasperated): Kor, I can't connect to internet. How ah? I click a lot of times (or minutes) already leh...

GC: Huh? Did you click onto the correct button?

GC's sis (more than eager to prove her point): Ya! You see, you see... [goes about clicking desperately and/or furiously on the same poor button of the connection window - or rather, the poor mouse button]

GC's thoughts: Hmmm, that's the correct window. Funny...

GC: OK, Let me try... [takes over the mouse and clicks the same button that GC's sis clicked]

[The connection gets established]

GC (smiling): There, it's connected. See, the computer loves me.

GC's sis: #*&$^*#&%!$ (translation: what atrocious unfairness)

But as I consider the way earphones died on me, I couldn't help but feel that earphones are about the only bunch/group/category/species of rebels who refuse to submit to my authority. In fact, they'd rather rebel and commit suicide (you see, they died not because I behaved tyrannically towards them and treated them with intended physical abuse. Rather, they chose to die on me whenever I used them, finding any opportunity to get hooked to something and snap as a result, or get fatigued) as a protest than to work for me. Sigh, this is bad bad bad bad bad... From the above calculations, I've sunk in at least $100 on earphones already.

Thought: I think I need diamond coated, heavily titanium armoured, thick-cored aluminium wired (note: Aluminium has the best fatigue strength/resistance) earphones to prevent them from getting snapped or fatigued again. Then again, I might end up looking more like I'm wearing a bunch of power cables rather than a set of earphones. Hmmm...

Conclusion: Panasonics earphones are out, considering that the lifespan of my shortest-lived sony earphone beat the lifespans of both panasonic earphones put together flat.

Friday, May 04, 2007

The Matric Card

Well, since I'm super awake now (and crappy too), I might as well share some facts and ideas I got about the matric card that is issued to every student =) You see, although the matric card has the following obvious uses...

Normal Uses
- Identification purposes during examinations

- Book borrowing purposes at the library

- Discount purposes at macs and at restaurants with student prices

Somehow, desperation during examinations have created the following uses:

Not-Abnormal-But-Rather-Improvised Uses During Examinations
- As a ruler-like object for drawing straight lines and diagrams

- As a unit-measurement instrumentation based on the standard width of the bar code

- Something to stare at when you're really, really bored and you just can't leave the exam hall yet.

- Something to bend to figure out positive or negative stresses and bending moments on a possible structure by bending the poor matrix card and seeing the stress marks.

But still, there are still many uses that await the humble matric card (ok, crappiness is increasing yet again as of now) on an unsuspecting population of students...

Non-Humble Uses Of The Humble Matric Card
- Something to think about blogging about when you're really, really bored and you just can't leave the exam hall yet.

- Since there is a surcharge of a substantial amount of money for the replacement card, it is a way for the school to earn some pocket money considering that there are about over a hundred cards found as of today.

- Based on old-school examination-cheating techniques, one could pass his matric card to another to sit for an examination on his or her behalf. Apparently this technique works best only for twins, or clones in the future.

- For entry into your own home should you be locked out for some reason, using the matric card to open the door the James Bond way might be feasible.

- At a murder-cum-arson crime scene, a matric card found could lead clues to who was the perpetuator(s) of this most heinous crime, or well... who was the the more unfortunate, dead, unrecognisable body.

- In the case of a dispute between a piano teacher and her student about trade items (eg. the various number of rabbits and terrappins as a form of payment for various services), the piano teacher might use the matric card to slit the student's throat. Who knows, one may even be skilled enough to make it look like suicide.

Thought: I'd better keep my matric card very well...

The Ice Kachang Frenzy

As of today, I have ordered my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd (or maybe it's the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, considering I might well have ordered my first many yeas ago) ice kachang that I've bought in my lifetime. Surprisingly, these 3 were ordered in the order (erm, no puns intended with regards to the previous 'ordered') of 3 weeks during this exam period. And they were:

Ice Kachang No 1 @ the shopping mall around Jurong East MRT
Ice Kachang No 2 @ [Glass Cookie's (GC) current school] Hall 14 canteen
Ice Kachang No 3 @ the shopping mall around Jurong East MRT

Well, I'm not about to rate the ice kachangs or giving them a review of any sort. Instead, this was what happened:

Ice Kachang No 1
As usual, I was spoit for choice, and I thought I should order something new rather than the same old stuff everywhere. And based on a volumetric analysis, the ice kachang contained the most volume. And so it was ordered.

Outcome: I regretted the ice kachang, because it was too cold (I felt really cold after eating it), and the mango topping tasted artificial (hey, am I unknowingly giving a review? Hmmm...). More than 60% of the ice was sucked dry of its syrup and thrown away.

Ice Kachang No 2
I was at the Hall 14 canteen and contemplating which dessert to order once again. Remembering the following incident...

[At the Hall 14 canteen]

GC (after being pressured and succumbing to the usual safe [ok, it isn't exactly safe because GC has been ripped off before in terms of ice jelly based on a volumetric analysis] choice): Erm, aunty, yi1 ge4 ice jelly

The Dessert Aunty (TDA): OK.

[TDA goes to scoop out the remaining jelly of the day onto the bowl. Based on GC's usual volumetric analysis, he determines that the volume is acceptable somewhat, to a bearable extent]

TDA (with the look that seemed to convey "you'd really gotta thank me man"): Today you are lucky. Aunty give you extra.

GC's thoughts: What???!!! Is this a joke? If this barely acceptable amount is actually considered lucky, I'm pretty sure I'll be ripped off again. Hmmm, I must never order ice jelly from here again, not until the new operator comes after another cycle of 1 year.

GC (trying to remain as emotionless as possible, but polite): Oh, ok. Thank you.

--- end ---

... it was not very likely that I would want to get an ice jelly. And as such, I thought I should play it safe by getting something based on volumetric analysis, and it is none other than... (with imaginary drum rolls playing... - imaginary because I didn't embed Artificial Intelligence and an mp3 file with drum rolls to be played accordingly) the ice kachang.

Outcome: It was more tasteless, and about 50% of the ice was thrown away.

Ice Kachang No 3
It was mugging day, compiling 5,000,000 tonnes of information into my pathetic 2-sided A4 cheat sheet, and I was super drained and tired. After dinner, I was once again spoilt for choice, and this time, I wasn't really thinking, and forgetting the regrets that I suffered twice in 2 weeks... and having the urge not to order the same, old, usual safe choice, and basing on the crappy, inaccurate, pathetic volumetric analysis (well, I did mention I wasn't thinking, didn't I?)... I ordered another ice kachang with another different topping (hmmm, somehow in that messy state of mind I was in, I managed to remember I didn't like the previous topping).

Outcome: Same as that for Ice Kachang No 1, just that my three friends who happened to be there made the following joking statements:

Friend 1: "Huh? You order ice kachang but throw away the ice? Like those who order chicken rice and don't want the chicken"

GC: Erm, it's too cold for me.

Friend 2: "Hey, why don't you order a syrup kachang?"

GC: Nah, that would be a sugar overkill.

At the end of it all...
Conclusion: I'll never order an ice kachang again (ie. for as long as I can remember, that is).

List Of My All-Time Big Stunts In M&D

30 Jul 2006 - When Silence Is Golden 2
It's funny how history repeats itself in a different form. This time, I minimised the volume of the keyboard to zero to try out a new song "I believe in miracles". And for yet (again, miraculously, ironically) another bizarre reason that I know not of, I actually turned the volume up WITHOUT knowing - and CONTINUED practising. Somehow the amplifiers were turned off by the sound guys (probably a safety measure against stuntmen like me?) until they could finally silence it no more and suddenly, out of the nowhere (oh, sorry, that would be the keyboard) came a loud note that penetrated the silence. I jerked in shock (very obviously). And yes, once again it's during the announcement time when silence is definitely golden.

04 Jun 2006 - Time and Congregation Waits For No Man
It was another faithful day in church, playing the keyboard for morning service, 9 and 11 a.m. After the 2nd service praise & worship session, it so happened that no one else could make it for the closing song. Well, since I was pretty free, I was asked to play it. So, I went down, charted out the chords, practised the piece in the tabernacle. On my way up the stairs, the first thought in my mind was: "Hey, it's so crowded. I need to get up the stairs. Now, how do I queeeeeze my way through?". The second thought in my mind was: "Hey, why is there a crowd coming down at this time? ... ... ... NOOOOOO!!!!!!" Man, time passes fast when you're practising the piano in church, and painstakingly slowly when it comes to exam pieces.

[No date] When Silence Is Golden
It was during the announcement, when pastor was giving out announcements before the offering song. Silence was observed as the pastor spoke. I retracted my hand from the score folder beyond the keyboard. For some amazing reason, my hand retraction path headed for the keys of the keyboard. And since the word 'fast' to describe the retraction rate was an understatement (for yet another reason I know not of)... you know the rest of the story.

[No Date] When Silence Is... Anything But Golden
Hmmm... once the amplifier on my side was switched off for some reason during praise & worship. And for some other reason that I know not of, I thought that the keyboard sound couldn't be heard. So, I tried pressing some keys. Didn't hear anything - drums were too loud. I proceeded to bang some keys repeatedly until... hmmm... I thought I heard something. Oh oh... ONLY my amplifier was turned off. (Note: Instrument: Brass sect 1, volume - max.)

List Of Other Small Stunts/Experiences In M&D

Fastest Fingers First
As a keyboardist, one usually comes into contact with different instruments within the same piece. It usually varies from strings, brass, violin to organ sounds. The funny thing is that sometimes, it is possible that your mind suddenly goes blank, and when the next instrument is required, I go "Oh no, what's the number combination for brass???!!! Wait wait wait wait...". And as usual, time and tide waits for no man. No. More accurately, a drummer waits for no number-fumbling keyboardist. Yea, that's the description man. Solution (ok, this is not a solution but an undesired consequence): Play a brass part with strings, or an organ part with brass, or none at all.

Cold Fingers
Usually, the atmosphere in the sanctuary is very cold to me. Sometimes, the atmosphere in the sanctuary is deep-freeze cold. Under cold or colder conditions, the fingers may or will harden and lose its dexterity. Then again, stuff could still be played, however stiff the fingers may be (with diminishing quality). Solution? Rub them while resting, or else, take off one playing hand and rub it vigorously without catching too much attention. I mean, what else can i do? I remove both hands when I need them ON they keyboard!!! Oh, I missed out that hand-clapping would be a sure kill to whatever heat you may have desperately tried to generate.

Record Breaker
Well, each week CD-RWs and envelopes used to contain the scores passed to musicians would be recycled. They are returned back to the musician's basket in the metal cabinet so that they can be used again. Of course, each time a person would return his/her envelope and CD used the previous week. Well, just somewhere in the 3rd week of June 2006 I returned a record holding of (prehaps of all-time in Lighthouse Evangelism's 16 years of establishment) of 9 envelopes with 3 missing somewhere at home. Oh well, you can't really blame me cause for the first time in my life, I saw the word "envelope" in the sms reminder about recycling. Or at least I would like to think so, about my first time noticing that word (fingers crossed).

Stubborn Pedal
Do you have any idea what it is like to have a pedal refusing to budge when moved with your feet, only to exceed its ideal position when you decide to set your adjusting strength to "brutal level". At that kind of rate, it just never gets to the position that you want it to be. Last resort: Bend down and move it with your hand just before the drummer starts his 4-beat intro to the next song.

Moving Pedal
Amazingly, although the pedal refuses to budge when you want it to, somehow it also refuses to stay in the spot when you want it to. And the more you pedal, the further it gets away from you no matter how you position your foot. And in extreme cases you may find yourself almost starting to slouch or slip from your seat, not that the keyboardist seat is any immobile than the pedal to begin with. Solution: Try to kick it back (this is the time when the above experience suddenly comes in again). Just what's with the pedal, I wonder?

Take a look at the following score:


Well, since strings sound somewhat soft, and somewhat muffled such that demisemiquavers are not to distinct, and considering it does take up time and there are 5 other pieces to go, and considering this is but 2 bars in a 100 bar piece, and considering blah blah blah... sometimes I play just a note. (OK, most of the time, happy?) Hey, I'm not the only keyboardist around guilty right? Someone tell me I'm not the only one... pleeeese....

- Metal-coated tea bag to help with the sinking (Edmund Lum)

- Sound-powered telephone (Edmund Lum)

- Sound-powered telephone (Edmund Lum)

- Plug-in phones for plugging into a payphone to call - unable to recieve call. However, 10 cents will still be needed and you pay your monthly phone bills as usual (Edmund Lum)

- A clean dirt-free rubbish chute (Edmund Lum)

- A touchpad keyboard similar to the touchpad on a laptop, with letters on it (Edmund Lum)

- USB-portable touchpad (Edmund Lum)

- A square CD for better storage (Edmund Lum)

- Battery-powered book (Edmund Lum)

- Disposable dustbins (Edmund Lum)

- A "short circuit" switch that help save electricity when there is nobody at home (Edmund Lum)

- A white/black highlighter (Edmund Lum)

- Safety deposit box made of pure diamond for hardness. It is transparent to allow better visual of objects within it (Edmund Lum)

- An optic mouse combined with a decorated ball placed inside like an old-school mouse to allow any surface usage (Edmund Lum)

- DIY handphone to cut cost (Edmund Lum)

- A plastic knife - no rusting and it is lighter (Edmund Lum)

- Quick dry glue, only 0.2 sec of dry time (Edmund Lum)

- Doorless toliet for faster access (Edmund Lum)

- A pen with wider pen hole to prevent that all-time infamous ink jam (Edmund Lum)

- A 5-mm thick paper to prevent paper cut (Edmund Lum)

- Water-proof toilet paper to prevent wetting the entire roll when dropped on a wet floor, or easy breakage (Edmund Lum)

- A thermal panel powered heater (Edmund Lum)

- A faq list for patients who do not want to reply to any visitors (Edmund Lum & Glass Cookie)

- A deodorant that puts people off (Mustard seed)

- An umbrella with a wire connection (to attract lightning) that's earthed (Edmund Lum)

- An earthquake detector that sounds when there's an earthquake (Edmund Lum)

- A water sensor at the shoreline to detect an approaching tsunami (Edmund Lum)

- A energy-saving fridge that switches itself on via a smell senser specially for detecting certain rotting smells (Edmund Lum)

- A fire extinguishing bomb that creates a huge area of vacuum (sounds familiar?) so as to deprive the fire of oxygen (Edmund Lum)

- A solar powered torchlight

- A power-saving exit sign that lights up only when someone is around (Gabriel Goh)

- A self-locking door that locks itself when no one's around and unlocks itself when someone's near (Edmund Lum)

- Pencil lead harder than steel to improve on its fragility (Edmund Lum)

- A water-proof teabag to prevent breakage over long periods of soaking (Edmund Lum)

- A manual powered air conditioner (Glass Cookie)

- A water-sensitive sprinkler (Edmund Lum)

- A auto retractable roof via light and water sensors, hidden in the wall for protection (Edmund Lum)

- An anti-burglary system with the switch and sensor in the same room (Edmund Lum)

- A wooden barbecue pit (Glass Cookie and Edmund Chen)

- An acrylic oil rig and drill bit to save $$$ (Glass Cookie and Edmund Chen)

- A windows based DOS command prompt program (Glass Cookie)

- A wired handphone (Jackson Lum)

- A birthday breakfast celebration (Glass Cookie and Jackson Lum)

- A domesticated grizzily bear (Glass Cookie, inspired by Amanda Low)