When Crappiness 走火入魔 And... Hmmm...
嘿!你看一看。看华文把我做成什么! 平常,我没有问题发挥我的义见在这个电脑日记 (我的以前电脑日记的文章是证据)。可是现在,看啦!我有很多问题开始写这个电脑日记的文章。哦男人!这是坏。坏坏坏坏坏不能再坏了。
所以,我为什么用华文写电脑日记呢?你好,当我没有说为什么先,让我保证你我不是喜欢痛的人。我也没有被“伯哥” 给钱来写华文。(那个“伯哥”的网老板不像我。他/她/他们[我希望]的神经没有问题。他/她/他们是不会负钱给一个像我的华文水准的人的。)
所以,我为什么用华文写电脑日记呢? 你好,第一。。。。 喝喝喝,让我们跳第一个原因吧。第二,我很闷。第三,啊 改!这太累和难了!我放气!
[English Translation]
Hey! Look at what Chinese has done to me. Usually, I have no problems expressing my thoughts in this blog (the previous entries found here are a proof of this) but look - now I am having difficulties trying to start typing this entry. Oh man, this is bad. It’s so bad that it can’t get any worse.
So, why am I blogging in Chinese? Well, before I state my reasons, let me assure you that I am not masochistic. Neither am I paid by blogger to blog in Chinese. (Unlike me, the webmaster of blogger is [I hope] a sane man/woman/group of people. He/she/they will not pay someone of my Chinese calibre to blog in Chinese.)
So, why am I blogging in Chinese? Well, firstly…. Hmmm, let’s skip the first reason. Secondly, I am bored. Thirdly, arghhh! This is too tedious. I give up!
Conclusion: It'll be ages before crappiness 走火入魔 at this rate again, I hope.
Your Chinese grammar is so wrong.
Did you use Google to translate that? Seems that was the case to me.
Haha, I didn't. =) Oh well, at least my english is still ok.
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