The Ice Kachang Frenzy
As of today, I have ordered my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd (or maybe it's the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, considering I might well have ordered my first many yeas ago) ice kachang that I've bought in my lifetime. Surprisingly, these 3 were ordered in the order (erm, no puns intended with regards to the previous 'ordered') of 3 weeks during this exam period. And they were:
Ice Kachang No 1 @ the shopping mall around Jurong East MRT
Ice Kachang No 2 @ [Glass Cookie's (GC) current school] Hall 14 canteen
Ice Kachang No 3 @ the shopping mall around Jurong East MRT
Well, I'm not about to rate the ice kachangs or giving them a review of any sort. Instead, this was what happened:
Ice Kachang No 1
As usual, I was spoit for choice, and I thought I should order something new rather than the same old stuff everywhere. And based on a volumetric analysis, the ice kachang contained the most volume. And so it was ordered.
Outcome: I regretted the ice kachang, because it was too cold (I felt really cold after eating it), and the mango topping tasted artificial (hey, am I unknowingly giving a review? Hmmm...). More than 60% of the ice was sucked dry of its syrup and thrown away.
Ice Kachang No 2
I was at the Hall 14 canteen and contemplating which dessert to order once again. Remembering the following incident...
[At the Hall 14 canteen]
GC (after being pressured and succumbing to the usual safe [ok, it isn't exactly safe because GC has been ripped off before in terms of ice jelly based on a volumetric analysis] choice): Erm, aunty, yi1 ge4 ice jelly
The Dessert Aunty (TDA): OK.
[TDA goes to scoop out the remaining jelly of the day onto the bowl. Based on GC's usual volumetric analysis, he determines that the volume is acceptable somewhat, to a bearable extent]
TDA (with the look that seemed to convey "you'd really gotta thank me man"): Today you are lucky. Aunty give you extra.
GC's thoughts: What???!!! Is this a joke? If this barely acceptable amount is actually considered lucky, I'm pretty sure I'll be ripped off again. Hmmm, I must never order ice jelly from here again, not until the new operator comes after another cycle of 1 year.
GC (trying to remain as emotionless as possible, but polite): Oh, ok. Thank you.
--- end ---
... it was not very likely that I would want to get an ice jelly. And as such, I thought I should play it safe by getting something based on volumetric analysis, and it is none other than... (with imaginary drum rolls playing... - imaginary because I didn't embed Artificial Intelligence and an mp3 file with drum rolls to be played accordingly) the ice kachang.
Outcome: It was more tasteless, and about 50% of the ice was thrown away.
Ice Kachang No 3
It was mugging day, compiling 5,000,000 tonnes of information into my pathetic 2-sided A4 cheat sheet, and I was super drained and tired. After dinner, I was once again spoilt for choice, and this time, I wasn't really thinking, and forgetting the regrets that I suffered twice in 2 weeks... and having the urge not to order the same, old, usual safe choice, and basing on the crappy, inaccurate, pathetic volumetric analysis (well, I did mention I wasn't thinking, didn't I?)... I ordered another ice kachang with another different topping (hmmm, somehow in that messy state of mind I was in, I managed to remember I didn't like the previous topping).
Outcome: Same as that for Ice Kachang No 1, just that my three friends who happened to be there made the following joking statements:
Friend 1: "Huh? You order ice kachang but throw away the ice? Like those who order chicken rice and don't want the chicken"
GC: Erm, it's too cold for me.
Friend 2: "Hey, why don't you order a syrup kachang?"
GC: Nah, that would be a sugar overkill.
At the end of it all...
Conclusion: I'll never order an ice kachang again (ie. for as long as I can remember, that is).
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