Oh well, once again the cookie (i.e. glass cookie) is being subject to the following scenario:
- Examinations!!! -
However, considering that the pressure is halved (since the number of modules have halved), the cookie can be initally described as the following system:
Where F = downward force exerted on the piston = 1/2 of previous pressure * Surface area.
However, considering that the examinations are all closed book with lots of question marks all over the place, especially with calculations like the following:
of which certain terms cannot be found without having to visit some 10 slides back and forth and all over the place, the varying force, F, could be expressed as the following:
F = (number of modules) x (number of exasperating formulas) x (sian factor) kN
Where sian (i.e. boredom) factor = 365 days *4 years
Taking the gas within the piston to be compressible, the system now becomes:
From observation, it can be seen that the cookie shrunk in volume due to the sheer immense pressure exerted on the system. However, as F is a varying force, another factor has to be considered when formulating for F. As the H*R_M module contains nothing about H*R_M but rather, the following items:
- Every da*n thing is related to Tsun Zi ar_t o*f w*a_r
- Presentation slides of the lecturer's views, and his accomplishments
- Presentation slides of the lecturer's trips, conferences and contacts
- Minor Taoism add-ons of ying and yang concept of certain subject matter
- Strategic decisions based on Tsun Zi ar_t o*f w*a_r
- Online uploads of numerous students' thank-you-prof emails
The force, F can be represented as the following
F = (number of modules) x (number of exasperating formulas) x (sian factor) + HRM_What_the_[beep!!!] kN
- sian (i.e. boredom) factor = 365 days *4 years
- HRM_What_the_[beep!!!] = (number of crap Tsun Zi related stuff) x (sian factor) ^ (1/relevancy)
- relevancy = 0.00000056837
As such, the force exerted on the cookie can now be represented as:
While the cookie is generally compressible, it is also brittle. And since the force applied on the piston was large enough to come into contact with the cookie, the force is directly exerted on the cookie. As the force exceeded the elastic limits of the cookie brittle fracture occurs.
As such, a few things could be done to avoid this catastrophic failure mode for the cookie.
1. Avoid studying. However, this is not a wise solution
2. Indent the stealth+3 parang for the you-know-which-profs. However, this is some bloody business and as such, it is better avoided.
3. Set fire to the examination venue. As such acts are classified as arson, it is pretty much a dangerous option. Thus, it will not be considered.
4. Blog, rant and b*tch about the school. Apparently, this relieves stress (puns intended) on the cookie and is the selected option.
Conclusion: 3 more weeks and I'll be out of the pressure vessel. I will survive, I will survive... lalalala...