A The-Only-Word-That-Means-And-Sounds-Exactly-Like-'Dilemma'
OK, it's a dilemma alright. I'm not crazy, just bored. As to what that dilemma is, it's simply this: although I longed for the holidays to come so that I could practise up my piano, it has become a dry, boring thingy beyond the 2nd hour and I'm getting restless. And I'm quite tired mugging in the keys of B and Ab.
Hmmm... perhaps I shouldn't be too impatient about completing these two keys asap, since Rome wasn't built in a day (but considering the other saying: All roads lead to Rome, does it mean that Rome was really huge and accessible, so much so that all roads lead to it? And for such a large scale project (ie. building Rome), it would take decades/centuries. And so, does: Rome wasn't built in a day = Rome took decades/centuries = "Hey, forget about getting it done in less than a decade/century"? Hmmm...). But then again, if I were to intensively mug it, I should be able to accomplish my goals. Yet, with such intensity, boredom seemed to be the limiting factor. But hey, I love the piano, and I would want to accomplish certain goals I have with regards to it. Since it's the holidays, I should accomplish it asap. But then again, perhaps I shouldn't be too impatient about completing... etc.
Oh well, back to more piano before I start getting crappy (and yup, this is a hint/clue that it has yet to hit late at night).
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