Today, I had the fright my my life for this year. Well, I wouldn't term this as the ultimate fright of my life, because it isn't as huge as one waking up and discovering that one has lost both legs because one's terrapins have been chewing on them while one was asleep, and I'd had bigger frights than this one (ie. the fright of my life this year, not the freaky predator terrapins incident). That being said, do also note that the above example is an analogy, rather than a real-life experience of the ultimate fright of one's life because... well, I still have my legs. It all begain on a friday night (ie. just yesterday)...
[Glass Cookie (GC) receives an sms from his music director (MD) asking him to help play for the baptism service on saturday at around 3:59 p.m., but the message was only read close to 6:45 or 7:00 p.m.][Well, on a side note, should anyone ever send me an sms, please do not sit and wait beside your phone for an answer, because... well... my phone is usually on the silent mode and I don't really check my phone very often. If you ever recall an incident in which I replied within minutes to prove the above statement, trust me: You were somewhat lucky because my phone happened to vibrate and light up and I happened to be beside it at the right place, and at the right moment, and at the right eye level, and at the right sound level, and the right time and the right frame of mind (ie. to detect the vibrations and not let my subconscious respond to it)and at the... etc etc etc. Yup, you get the idea. So, you have a better chance calling my house phone or something should I be home =) ]
GC's thought: Hmmm, I think I'd better call him considering that this is not a small matter.
[GC searches for his MD's number and made a call to him]GC (noticing that the line was through) : Erm...
[Well, GC was in his right frame of mind enough not to make a call and simply say "Erm..." and pause there. More accurately, before he could make his greeting or say "Hi", GC's MD said something]MD: Oh [GC's name]...
GC's thought (interrupting at a split second): Hey, he's one of the rare few to greet me that fast. Oh no, what if it was so urgent such that he's actually been waiting for me? Nah, he sounded more friendly than worried.
MD: So, could you play for the baptism service tomorrow?
GC (thinking for a brief moment): Hmmm, yup. I could/should/would be able to make it.
MD: Oh, so could I meet you at 1:45 p.m. at the lobby at level 1 tomorrow?
GC's thought: Hmmm, he's asking me to play... Considering that the baptism service usually has only a pianist or a guitarist to play... Nah, that's not possible. I mean, I'm not even auditioned yet. Hey, the baptism service has upgraded to a full worship team? That's cool!
GC: Oh, so would it be string scores or
chord charts (well, for those not serving in the music ministry, FYI, string scores or chord charts are usually what I get, serving as the 2nd keyboardist in church. String scores consists of tau geis whereas chord charts, as the name suggests, consists of chord letters. The pianist (aka the 1st keyboardist) usually get chord charts)?
GC's thoughts: Well, I hope it's a chord chart, considering that I'm
Phaseolusaureusphobic (ie. my sight reading is really bad) and I'm better off playing something by ear, and a chord chart gives me all the excuse to do so.
MD: There will be 3 songs - a string score and two chord charts. Don't worry, it's quite simply so you'll be able to sight read it.
GC's thoughts: Oh, no... I think he has thoroughly overestimated my sight reading skills.
GC: OK. See you tomorrow then!
GC's thoughts: Hmmm, I wonder who the pianist would be. Guess it's either BF or M (ie. names of two probable pianists in church. I wouldn't want anyone to find this blog by just googling their name). I was right... the baptism service has upgraded after all.
[And so, GC's muggings continue for the night and then, comes the next day in the sanctuary close to around 1:50 p.m. at the backstage. PCh (ie. the pastor whose name starts with a 'c', followed by a 'h'. 'Ch' was used considering that there are 3 pastors in LE whose names happened to start with a 'c'. But do note that he has no relation to PCK despite the similarity of their names, the fact that both of them are singaporeans and that both of them are males. If you're thinking that what I'm doing here is unnecessary, maybe you would like to simply google for PCl like this: "pastor cl..." blogspot with the quotation marks to indicate an exact term search {erm, I'm not risking anything here. cl... is to be replaced by his name totally spelt out} and you'll actually find a lighter's blog on page 2 of the results. See... you get what I mean?} =) Oops, I think I've strayed from the main topic again. Anyway, back to the story...), MD and GC was at the scene]PCh (smiling): So, are you ready?
GC's thoughts: Huh? Am I ready? It's not that difficult playing the string parts for the keyboard, really, provided that I do know the songs. Come to think about it, I don't really know what songs other than "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" is being sung.
[GC smiles back, indicating he's ok, or should be ok, without saying a word]MD (getting GC's attention to brief him on the order of the service): So, these are the songs to be played, and these are the scores. You play this song first... (continues his briefing).
[Then, the time has come for the worship part to start, and PCh, MD and GC goes to the keyboard. GC takes his seat at the 2nd keyboard but MD asks him not to play on the second keyboard]GC (sensing that something has gone wrong, and apparently lost): Erm, I thought there's a pianist right? Who's the pianist anyway?
GC's thought: And if I'm not playing on the 2nd keyboard, where am I supposed to play anyway? But I guess I'll ask him after the first question is answered.
MD (with the look that conveys: "Don't be ridiculous"): You're the pianist lah.
GC's thought: WHAT???!!! But I thought... I thought... there's supposed to be another pianist right?
GC's subconscious (you see, once again, it comes up to do stuff, be it necessary or unnecessary, called for or uncalled for. But it so happened that this time, it's uncalled for but necessary): Hey, hey, you don't have time to think already. Get yourself at the electric piano and sort out your playing man.
[GC goes over and takes his seat. He glances at the songs and realised that he has totally no idea how the first song is supposed to be played]MD: OK, I've already told the sound guys that you'll be trying out on the piano. Can you play this song?
GC's thought: AAARRRGH!!! I can't chord read that well. Oh no, what if my performance now is part of the consideration with regards to the upcoming audition? Oh no, this is terrible, terrible, terrible... and, idislikeperformingidislikeperformingidislikeperforming...
GC's subconscious: Hey, enough of thoughts and start playing. You don't have time for this you know...
[GC starts to play, then breaks down (actually, this term is borrowed from another person. I have no idea what else to call it since it's an unexplainable phenomenon in which I simply pause or stop playing abruptly and I have no idea what it's formal name or definition is. GC wasn't crying.)]GC's thoughts: Oh no, this is bad. If I were on my own, I could play it without much problems. But with 2 people listening out on my playing... arrrgh, it's stressful... =(
GC's subconscious: Hey, you don't have a choice. Just play by ear.
GC's thoughts: Arrrgh, I have no choice. I'll just have to play by ear. This is bad. I hope [MD's name]'s ok with it.
[The playing is done halfway when GC was asked to switch to another song due to time constraints, and that was also done, up till the first song]PH (ie. another pastor from LE whose name starts with a 'h'): Later you have to play louder. The congregation might not be able to hear.
[GC nods his head to indicate he got the message]GC's thoughts: Oh man, it's my touch on the piano again. This is the time I wished I had a harder set of piano keys at home.
GC (to PCh): Erm, I don't know how this song sounds like. Could you sing it?
[PCh sings out the song while MD plays the melody on the piano. At this point of time, GC frantically looks at the chord chart to figure out the chords. And then, not too long after GC plays the song once through, it is time for the service to start. Then, the praise and worship begins][Well, the order of things are quite blur at this point of time, but what could be recalled was, at many points in time, the following happened]GC's thoughts: Oh no, what's the next, next chord (considering that the next chord is already deciphered)? It's a... hmmm... oh wait, it feels like a.... hmmmm... it chooses to remain as a feeling.
[to GC's brain, the area where the memory is stored] Hey, what's the next chord?
GC's brain, the memory branch (Well, once again this is just my own theory - the brain contains the following: The subconscious, the thoughts generated from GC's conscious and the memory area and some other segments that I can't think of. Basically they are interrelated, but individual): Nothing here. Apparently, the subconscious branch took it. Can't you feel it?
GC's thoughts: Hey, what's the chord? This chord feels like it's not a basic chord although a basic chord could be used for it. Arrrgh... I have only 4 beats left. Aha, look at the score. Let me see... actually, I have no idea I've progressed to which part on the score now, since I didn't look at it from the start. Sigh, I have no choice. A basic chord shall it be.
GC's subconscious: Hey man, that basic chord sounds flat. It sounds flat and bad you know.
GC's thoughts: Hey, I know. Look who's talking man... and sadly, the chord still remains as a feeling.
[And at some other points, the following happened]GC's subconscious: Hey, you're playing faster/slower/faster/slower/faster/slower/faster/slower (you see, this time, the subconscious tries to confuse GC by getting him to start evaluating as to whether he played faster or slower than the congregation's/PCh's singing speed rather than fix the speed problem itself)
GC's thoughts: Oh no, there's a timing difference... Am I faster or slower?
GC's subconscious: Hey, you don't really have time to think if you're faster or slower you know...
GC's thoughts: Arrrgh, this is irritating. I shall listen out for PCh and take his speed...
[At the end of the stressful episode, which also meant the end of the praise and worship session, at the backstage area after GC exits the stage]PCh (jokingly, but knowing that GC was definitely stressed): Wa, you play until you're all perspiring ah? (indicating how stressed GC was)
GC's thoughts: Well, it was a hot day... I think... although I'm in the sanctuary for about half an hour now... hmmm...
GC (still stunned, and shaking): It was stressful.
PCh (smiling): Don't worry. You played
[some term that meant complimentary, but I can't exactly recall for now].
GC's thoughts: Thanks for the consolation, but I didn't think I played that well. Hey, how did I get the idea that there was supposed to be another pianist?
And such was the frightful experience of my life of this year. I hope such a frightful experience does not happen again, although... well, I'm can't be too sure about it...
Thought (once again, although it's also GC's thought, it's not part of a recalled event): Playing by surprise can be a nightmare =/