Welcome To Aer*space Engin**ring
Welcome to aerospa*e enginnering, where about 80 over elite students would be carefully selected to join this prestigious course every year. This is the course where we train masters of jack-of-all-trades, not masters of none.
Also, in our programme, we have wonderful professors who will train students well so as to prepare them for the industry. For example, a certain professor believes in photocopying certain pages in the textbook and submitting them as notes so as to train students in reading textbooks on their own, increasing their capacity of independence of the lecturer. This constitutes to self-learning, which is a vital skill required in the industry. Also, he also believes in taking questions never covered in his lectures from other schools not from N*U and set them as 50% of the paper, to encourage students to have a deep desire for knowledge, and to search out literature from the world to gain a wider perspective of education in the world as a whole. To top it all, he discourages students from relying on worked solutions to learn from them, and believes in not giving any tutorial solutions at the end of the day.
Another great lecturer believes in learning rather than grades. At the end of the day, should students' work not fall within her expectations, they will be taught that grades are not everything and that they should focus more on the learning process. Also, she is a good professor who would be able to test students thoroughly in their concepts beyond their scope, and to train them to cultivate a keen mind for knowledge, by questioning their assumptions made in their work so as to further their knowledge. As her assignments would take approximately 15 to 20 over hours each during the final weeks leading to their final examinations, these gruelling assignments would constitute about 10 percent of their final grade to signify their importance.
As having the examinations are more vital to practicality, professors here in N*U Aer*space engin**ring are discouraged from setting their modules as non-examinable. So, students can have the assurance that their desired examinations will be enforced as much as possible. As part of our curr*culum to provide a very well-round*d educati*n, students will be taking electives of all sorts, not to mention that their year one labs would include filtration processes from civ*l engin**ring, art drawing lessons... etc. etc.
The number of modular credits of this course is 158 in four years. The path may not easy, but we believe that they will be able do to it at the end of the day and turn out well-trained for they are, afterall, a*rospace students.
The Industry
As Sing*p*re's main focus in the industry is maintan*nce rather than rese*rch, students will be able to apply their knowledge of ae*odynamics, hist*ry of aer*space, to scan for cracks and more cracks using the various methods employed in the industry which we believe, they do not really need to know in detail in this course. Of course, with the added advantage of knowing subjects like drawing, vibrations of civil structures... etc, I believe that students will be more than well-equipped when they graduate. No doubt any me*hnical engin**ring student who chooses to spec*alise in aer*spac* engineering would be able to perform about the same task as that of any aer*space engineering in the industry, with these added knowledge, our students are definitely at an advantage.
Contact Information
So, if you have a passion in aer*planes and are still contemplating whether to choose aer*space as the path to tread on, hesitate no more and join us! For more information, please call us at 6******* or email us at *****@n*u.ed*.s*.
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