My Alternative Pain Theory
Since I'm sick of staring at endless lecture materials for the coming exam, here's an alternative theory to the previous one that I had about pain...
Disclaimer: This is strictly my formulated theory, thus you may not agree with it.
When one encounters itch, one would find means to remove it although the main method employed is via increasing the magnitude of pain. However, some have employed other means in reducing the itch by medicated plasters, creams or lotions.
In short,
Itch = minute pain = Neither painful nor non-painful = Decision:
1) Increase it till it hurts
2) Decrease it close to zero/negligible
Hence, my conclusion of the matter is that: Itch is a 'lukewarm' kind of pain such that one would rather that it were either painful or non-existent at all (ie. a parallel to Revelations 3:15-16).
Cut off the part which hurts. Then that part wouldn't hurt.
Haha, that sounds like a super-drastic measure. Then again, I've read reports of someone using a drill on her own head in an attempt to get rid of migraine. So, perhaps someone might just use the suggestion (ie. cut off the painful part) after all =)
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