Today, the n*e-a popped by my place and the found this usual favourite bre*eding spot for mozziquitoes =) It's some bad structural engineering and architecture work
(such that those morons who first designed it should be shot, then raised from the dead with a "Revive All" spell, to be shot dead again, then be raised up using a "Summon undead" spell then shot dead again to be banished to the forgotten pits) that always result in the area being flooded. Nothing much could be done about it without danger to any of the family members or the poor maid.
This was/still is/will still be the scenario...
The draining hole is usually choked because staying at level 2 will earn you the scenic view of swaying trees amidst the alluring evening, with leaves falling gently and onto that pathetic draining hole. Choked draining hole = water collection point = mozziquito egg dumping grounds = more mozziquitoes = complaint = $2*00 fin*e.
As such, this were the suggestions given by the n*e-a:
Maintainence of the drainage hole. Keep the area dry. - I fully understand this point, and I know where they are coming from and their rationale behind it.
Implications: The maid (or anyone) has to climb out to that compressor area and risk falling down. Everytime there's a rain, we have to clean that spastic hole. Oh, did I mention that the yellow boundaries in the above picture (excluding the side where the windows are) has literally no support? That's because the railing there is as tall as the compressor.
My engineering way of doing things:
Drill a bloody hole at the right of the compressor area or just punch one freaking big hole. Who gives a da*n about aesthetics when there's a $2*00 fine each time n*e-a comes?
The management (the management guy was also there - he's a really nice guy who joined recently, just that the mgt sucks):He doesn't think that the management allows that, because it affects the aesthetics of the building. His suggestion - if the draining hole always chokes, maybe we might want to consider removing the filter that keep leaves out of the pipe (the pipe connects the draining hole to some other main draining pipe).
My query:The reason why the filter is there is to keep leaves
out of the pipe to prevent a choke. If there is a choke in the pipe, is that pipe still under our charge when crap happens again?
The management:Yes. But if we do that, people using the walkway at level one would get the water.
My answer:Chances are, when it's raining, the whole area would be wet. And no one stands under the compressor area for shelter - they go to the front entrance for shelter. (And no one camps under the compressors at night when air conditioning is on - but I forgot to state that)
My query:Then why should I not have the right to do as I please?
The management:Because it affects the aesthetics of the building.
My query to n*e-a:Under the law, if keeping mozziquitoes out is all that they're interested in, and with such restrictions and suggestions that fail all the time (we hired a plumber to clear the choke a number of times to avoid floodingm but those morons' disaster prevailed), can we be empowered to do what it takes to avoid that choke?
The n*e-a guys:By right under the law, yes.
Conclusion of the matter:1) Bring the issue up to n*e-a for further empowerment against the management, and start a war between both factions.
2) I'm going to insist to my dad that we drill one hole at the right of the compressor to assist in draining the water out. At the same time, we smash one freaking big hole on the left to prevent any choke point. As for that miserable pipe underneath the draining hole, it's history. Then, those scenic swaying trees can sway and wither all their leaves for all they like =)
3) As for the pathetic management, we'll simply give them a call to inform them of our drilling activities. Since that is my pipe which my family gets fined for at the end of the day, I shall deal with
my pipe as I please. They can just sit there and sputter as contractors do the drilling.
4) If the management still insists on
crying father crying mother (i.e. making a freaking lot of unwanted noise), shoot them all! Then raise them from the dead with a "Revive All" spell, to be shot dead again, then be raised up using a "Summon undead" spell then shot dead again to be banished to the forgotten pits. Then, summon those previously undead-ed morons mentioned earlier and repeat the shoot-revive-shoot-summon-shoot-banish action on them.