Ahhh, I'm finally back to blogging! That's because I suppose I think I feel that I deserve to blog after a miraculous churning out of words for the f*yp report =)
This was the series of events that took place...
Some weeks back
Glass Cookie (GC) was mugging therm*dynamics and lots of information on the net for his f*yp. Yawns... boring!
Lesser than some weeks back but more than a week back
GC mugs yet even more fyp stuff and creating exper*ments for his project alongside CNY. It's... really... ... b-o-r-i-n-g... =(
Some one week back
GC was getting sick of the f*yp, and so... he decides to do other stuff, like looking through assignments and attempting to touch them. Well, it didn't last long. Of course, he was also picking up a new programming language. Now, that's life! =) Lalala...
Just this wednesday
GC got a gentle reminder from a senior that a late f*yp submission = a 30% discount off your grades. Of course, that wonderful discount is only for your professor to enjoy, although he/she has absolutely nothing to gain or lose.
Wednesday night after the reminder
Panic mode has started. GC raises red alert. Intelligence gathered states that a 10,000 word final report is required in one month's time.
Wednesday night after red alert has been raised
Freaking out, GC prays...
Wednesday night after the prayer
GC starts typing...
Wednesday before midnight
GC decides to send planned essay outline to his prof to avoid typing in vain
Wednesday shortly after midnight
GC decides to continue typing anyway since he'll adopt whatever he has typed into whatever the prof wants anyway
Wednesday after midnight
GC does a word count and realises he has hit 1100+ words. (GC: Thank you Lord!!!)
GC decides to take break since going by statistics, 1 night = 10%. Thus, 100% = 10 nights = 1/3 month's work = 2/3 months of nua-ing (i.e. slacking). On top of that, his prof sends an email stating that he is ok with the outline. (GC: Woohoo!!! Praise the Lord!!!)
Friday night
GC decides to work on the report again. Before doing so, GC prays... and GC continues typing.
Friday 3.00 a.m.
GC realises that he typed an additional 2500+ words. (GC: Thank you, thank you Lord!!!)
Conclusion of the matter:
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