2 horrid papers down and one more to go. Hmmm, technically, it's 2 more to go but non-technically speaking
(or rather, 'pressing' [cause I'm typing off my good ole trusty keyboard {Then again, it might also be known as an underdamped spring compression action. Oh no, the exams are getting into me! (Gasp!) Anyway, back to the topic...}]) , it's one more. If you're wondering what I'm babbling about, it's simply this: There are 2 more papers to go and I simply
do not put the last one
in my eye (i.e. 不放在眼里).
If you're wondering why, it's simply this: It's a module that tells you how important engin**rs are to society, their achievements, all this and that wouldn't have been possible without them and all and blah blah blah... (and all they are getting paid is peanuts). It is also a module that requires the st*dent to come up (in my opinion, 'crap up') with fanciful ideas about achievements, projections into the future in terms of economy, history, technology, idealogies and whatever-else-nots that cannot be found in the lecture notes. So, this would cause one to wonder if one should even bother studying this module.
In any case, I'm off to my loooooong awaited mini-break after the worst 3-modular-credit paper of the semester**
**Cookie verbal poll, rated by ae*o*pace st*dents. The reduced version of this paper is a 4-modular-credit paper for current year 3 mec*anica* engin**ring students of anti-younivarsity.
Thought: (Lyrics) I will surrrrrvive, I willlll surrrrrrviveeeeee...
In the Beautiful Country, engineers are not paid peanuts. Communications majors are. LOL.
And if you watch Discovery Channel often enough, that crappy exam will be easy enough.
All the best and hope to see you online more often after all that.
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