Feelings Before The Quasi-Final Paper
Considering that I was given a 2 sided cheat sheet to bring into the examination room which will contain the summary of over 600 slides of that AE4**3 crap notes, I'm exasperated exasperated exasperated!
The lecture material could somewhat make sense, then make totally no sense anymore. The following is a typical scenario while reading through the notes:
The easy part
What we like to do is to calculate the mass of bricks that a 2000kg car could transport, given that it is able to provide a 10,000N force. Assume that a brick is 1 kg.
Given that Force is a product of mass and acceleration of the body, we have:
F = ma
Since the mass of the car is 2000 kg with an unknown load of bricks, let the number of bricks be x. Thus, m = 2000 + x kg.
[Up till this point, it is still understandable. However...]
The not-so-easy part which would be tested in the examinations...
Considering the frictional constant of the road, together with any variable impedance due to the road surface roughness, we obtain the formula:
x = AX + Bu + log(g)C
whereby A is a n by n matrix and B is a m by n covariance matrix, u is the input condition of the loop with the 2nd order transfer function s/(s^2 +4s + 8). X is the expected input of the readings, C is a matrix which accounts for all errors that might have been obtained - it being the difference between the expected error and the actual error.
Solving for the above gives x, the number of bricks. (QED)
Hmmm, solve for A, B and C? What on earth are those errors? How do you even solve it? OK, let's assume that we could solve it anyway. What is A, B and C to begin with? Hmmm... Hmmmm.. Hmmm...
Conclusion: Man, they really lost me back then, a looooong time ago...
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