Smoke Gets In Your Eyes =|
Nope, I'm not about to spoof another set of lyrics here, but, with the crappy lecturer (that is not computer trained) teaching computer architecture (the internal components and workings of a computer), one cannot help but be exasperated after being smoked like crazy... especially if one has been programming for over 10 years and learnt computer architecture for 2 years.
Just some background information... a kilobyte is 1024 bytes, 8 bits make a byte, a word is made up of a number of bits which could be 4, 8, 16, 32, 64... etc. And so, the question was how many kilobytes is a 32K word x 4 bit equivalent to? From my computer science knowledge, in computers, all K = 1024. So, we have:
No of Kilobytes = 32 x 1024 x 4 bits per word / 8 bits per byte / 1024 bytes = 16 Kb. (My answer)
My prof's answer: No of Kilobytes = 32 x 1024 / 1000.
I wonder what happened. And so I emailed my prof, bringing to his attention the obvious errors (probably known only to me in my course) he had and the above question.
This is the email correspondance that I suffered (please read from bottom-up):
From: [Filtered] (Assoc Prof)
Sent: Thu 11/20/2008 5:47 PM
To: [Glass Cookie]
Subject: RE: General Enquiry
Dear [Filtered],
I can only tell you that my questions contain no calculations.
Good luck!
From: [Glass Cookie]
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 5:50 PM
To: [Filtered] (Assoc Prof)
Subject: RE: General Enquiry
Hi Prof,
Will we be tested on such questions in the exams? If we are, I pretty much have to get to the bottom of this...
Best regards,
[Glass Cookie]
From: [Filtered] (Assoc Prof)
Sent: Thu 11/20/2008 5:47 PM
To: [Glass Cookie]
Subject: RE: General EnquiryDear [Filtered],
You may come to see me after exam for clarification if you want. You should move on to other topics on your course.
From: [Glass Cookie]
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 5:37 PM
To: [Filtered] (Assoc Prof)
Subject: RE: General Enquiry
Hi Prof,
Hmmm... then why shouldn't the answer for q14 be 32K words * 4 bit per word / 8 bits per byte = 16 kilobytes but rather, 32*1024/1000? If K refers to strictly units of 1024, how could 32X1024 4-bit words be equal to 32 KB?
Best regards,
[Glass Cookie]
P.S. Thank you for all your time
From: [Filtered] (Assoc Prof)
Sent: Thu 11/20/2008 5:47 PM
To: [Glass Cookie]
Subject: RE: General Enquiry
Dear [Filtered],
A kilobyte is 1024 bytes or 1000 bytes depending on the context used. A byte is 8 bits. A nibble is 4 bits. A word can be of any length of bits. You may check out the link I did not cover the organization of the memory chip in depth.
From: [Glass Cookie]
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 5:26 PM
To: [Filtered[ (Assoc Prof)
Subject: RE: General Enquiry
Hi Prof,
Since you've neglected the 4 bit per word in the calculation of the total number of kilobytes, can it be interpreted that in some cases, a kilobyte consists of 512 bytes instead of 1024 bytes or a byte consists of 4 bits? Because that was the very exact way that they interpreted the question: each word=4 bits, 32K words=32*1024 words. Hence no of kilobytes=32*4/8bits as a byte is defined as 8 bits.
Best regards,
[Glass Cookie]
From: [Filtered] (Assoc Prof)
Sent: Thu 11/20/2008 5:47 PM
To: [Glass Cookie]
Subject: RE: General Enquiry
Dear [Glass Cookie],
Yes, it is possible as your computer friend has a different interpretation of the question. The tutorial question that I posed may be a bit of confusing depending on the context used. The question refers to a memory chip that can contain 32K of words. Each word is 4 bits. That is the interpretation in the context of the reference book that I used for the course.
From: [Glass Cookie]
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 4:55 PM
To: [Filtered] (Assoc Prof)
Subject: RE: General Enquiry
Hi prof,
From what I gather from my computer engineering friends, if it is to be in kilobytes, the answer should be 32 * 1024 * 4 bits / 8 bits / 1024 bytes = 16 KB instead of the 32*1024 bytes answer provided earlier. Any enlightenments? Thank you for your time
From: [Filtered] (Assoc Prof)
Sent: Thu 11/20/2008 5:47 PM
To: [Filtered]Subject: RE: General Enquiry
Dear [Glass Cookie],
Yes, it can be confusing and ambiguous. You may check out Wikepedia link on kilobyte
In our context, 32K words x 4 bits. Each word stored in the memory is 4 bits. The K means 1000 bytes, but memory storage 1 K should be equaled to 1024 bytes. Thus, the total capacity expressed in bytes should be 32 x 1024 = 32768 bytes which is sometimes shortened to 32KB.
It is good to know that you are all studying for the exam.
From: [Glass Cookie]
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 2:23 PM
To: [Filtered] (Assoc Prof)
Subject: RE: General Enquiry
Hi Prof,
Assuming that for Q14, it was actually in kilobytes (which was I thought it to be anyway), wouldn't 32K words contain 32000 words? And since these 32000 words are 4 bits each, the total number of bits would be 32000 X 4. Since a standard byte consists of 8 bits and a kilobyte = 1024 bytes, shouldn'd the number of KB be 32000 X 4 / 8 / 1024? Sorry... I'm confused... could you explain in a little more detail?
Best regards,
[Glass Cookie]
From: [Filtered] (Assoc Prof)
Sent: Thu 11/20/2008 5:47 PM
To: [Glass Cookie]
Subject: RE: General Enquiry
Dear [Filtered],
Q14: The confusing part may be due to my question. Is it expressed in Kb (kilobits) or KB (kilobytes)? Following the reference book that I used, it is kilobytes. Then the answer would be 32 x 1024 bytes. If it is in kilobits, then the answer would be 32 x 1024 x 4 bits.
Question on instruction set: Yes, you are right that the “next instruction reference” is implicit in the instruction format for the PC system that we are looking at. You don’t have to mention the reference, it would be automatically handled by the control unit. But in some other system, you may want to specify the next instruction reference explicitly. That means you have to specify the memory address where the next instruction is fetched from.
Stack pointer: Yes, it points to the top of the stack. The stack is often accessed via a register called the stack pointer, which also serves to indicate the current top of the stack. Stack pointer is classified as special purpose register. You may check out the link:
Hope this helps.
From: [Glass Cookie]
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 2:38 AM
To: [Filtered] (Assoc Prof)
Subject: General Enquiry
Hi Prof,
Please disregard my previous mail as it is duplicated in this mail. I have a few questions that I would like to ask on behalf of the aerospace cohort:
I've got a query with regards to Q14 of your tutorial question. Is the answer: 32 x 1000 x 4 bits_per_word / 8 bits_per_byte / 1024 byte_per_KB? Cause I was told that the actual answer was 32 x 1024 / 1000 and I would like to clarify it and understand it working.
With regards to instruction set, does 'Next instruction reference' refer to control flow instructions (ie. goto , #IF, call statements... etc)? Because if I recall correctly, next instruction addressing operations are handled by the control unit rather than it being an instruction sent to the processor from the programming/program/software side.
As for the stack pointer, I thought that it points to the 'top location' of the stack after the instructions are being 'popped out' after execution rather than the address/location of the last executed instruction?
Could you kindly clarify these queries? Thank you very much for your time =)
Best regards,
[Glass Cookie]
And so, it really makes one wonder why can't he just see what I'm trying to ask him. Was the idea too difficult?
Conclusion: Anti-youniversity airosp*ce is going downhill at this rate... Next time, a sociologist could teach laplace transformation equations for flight mechanics.
Conclusion 2: It's hard not to get smoke in your eyes when profs like that drop smoke bombs (note: not grenades) all over the place.
Conclusion 3: The prof himself is the most confused, I think...
What kind of professors refer their students to Wikipedia for clarification?!
Ah... I know. Village schools ranked 77th by some obscure ranking list which also ranks Malaysia universities in the top 300 i.e. ranking of third world schools.
I digress. Your professor sucks.
Haha, he really sucks big time. Not only is he unclear about his knowledge of the subject (which I doubt he even realises), the material in the wiki links are the exact same stuff that I've been painstakingly trying to bring across to him. Sigh... it's all going downhill...
No wonder the ranking dropped.
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