Quirky Spottings Spotted
Once again it's the semi-quasi-and-semi-true-true-holidays (due to FYP meetings during the month of December) and I finally found time after a long time-finding period of time =) And once again, the land of Singapore never lacks in quirks scattered all over the island.
(Spoofed from the lyrics of "Dream a little dream")
Sun shining bright above you,
Day breezes seem to whisper, "Lexus"
Drivers laughing along the busy roads
Dream a little dream of Lexus...
If you're wondering what's with all the dream that I'm rambling about, well, this is the explanation. The model that I snapped is called the Wish series of Toyota. Yup, yup. Not Lexus. If you're thinking what has that got to do with Lexus, it's simply this: The driver was wishing that his Wish series would become a Lexus such that he replaced his back Toyota logo with a Lexus logo. Perhaps it's his wishful thinking. Perhaps it's living the dream. Perhaps it's faith. Beats me though...
(Special thanks to Glass Cookie's sis in spotting this one)
Art is perhaps emphasised in this particular school as you could see on the left hand side of the above picture, beside the rubbish dump. Oh, did I mention rubbish dump? Yup, yup. That's a metallic art piece depicting some picture of sorts beside a rubbish dump. However, this metallic art piece is not the only one. If you observe the picture below which is another view...
Hey, there's even a sculpture on a stand beside the rubbish dump! Hmmm... as such, I have 2 conclusions:
1) Art is so much emphasised such that even the rubbish collection point is decorated with works and sculptures, or...
2) Those pieces of art are valued as much as what they are trying to beautify. Hmmm...
Why not get a real Lexus?
Oh, in the context of Singapore, that's a rhetorical question.
Haha, guess what? In a recent bid to encourage spending (right after the semi-flopped US bailout plan) COE prices went down to $2.Maybe it was a good chance to get a Lexus after all provided that he didn't purchase a bunch of bad debts thru deebEEass =)
What is a COE? And road taxes? Weird concepts, those.
Haha, probably you could blog about strange concepts of the village, and name the entry "Quirky Concepts Conceptualised" =)
I have conveniently forgotten about the past as I've moved on with my life. A better one.
By the way, one of these days, you should plan to plan a perfect planning time for planning your plans to make time.
Haha, that's a nice idea, considering that was how you started back =) I suppose that would only begin when crappy school term starts again and time that we have, which they deem as a lot, is elusive =)
I am now about 20 weeks away from getting my masters. YAY!
Hey, that's nice! Do let me know when you've graduated and I'll put up a congratulatory blog post, haha =)
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