Today, I visited one of my 'crazy buddy's' grandad's funeral. Somehow, while chatting with him, we drifted to the topic of my childhood. Come to think about it, I was quite a monster when I was little. (OK, I can forsee some stunned look. Relax, I'm a good boy now. That's just my past.)
The funny thing about my memory is that when it chooses to register certain events (at random. I have no idea what it prefers to register), it seemed to store and recollect very well. Well, when I was little, there were quite a number of items I remember throwing (funny how my sis ended up getting medals for doing that while all that I got were scoldings):
Grey Lego BlocksWell, I didn't like grey (that's also the main reason why I refused to go to NJC after seeing the school. I'm serious. Everything is a freak grey, but that's another story) blocks in my lego set. So, I threw them out of the window. Sometimes, while waiting for the school bus to arrive, i would go around the grass patch of my block to look for them again.
Used BatteriesYup. You didn't read wrongly. I threw them down after they were, well, expended. Somehow, it hit a grandpa of a girl a few levels down in my block. Ironically, he's the old uncle I used to greet while waiting for the school bus. How he figured it was me was simple. After the first hit, he looked up and waited. Then, the silly me, faithful to my hobby of throwing things down, lobbed yet another projectile (well, since I liked throwing things down, it could be a random order of items you see in this blog, not necessarily another battery.). He counted from that level all the way to the ground floor to determine my position. Oh, did I forget to mention that I was staying on the 11th floor? Yup. And after that, he happened to pop by when my dad was around (yea, bad timing). You know/could guess the rest of the story.
Over-Salted Macaroni Soup.You may think it strange that such an item could be listed. This is a little different. Well, as you know, forbidden fruit tastes sweetest and somehow, the soya sauce bottle was marked out to be a forbidden item when I was little, lest I should over-consume salt at such a young age. Well, mummy and daddy weren't at home then, so I decided to super-enhance my boring bowl of macaroni soup with the ultimate forbidden fruit (or rather, should it be called the 'forbidden concoction'? Well, although it was the 'fruit' of a plant source, it didn't look anything like a fruit.) Then, aha! I overdid it. So, the soup became super salty. And since no way was I going to drink the edited soup (which had some 2 over spoonfuls of soya sauce in it), I spat it out of the window. I wonder how the victim of the soya rain would feel should one get hit. Oh well, at least it was antiseptic from the amount of salt it contained, so it shouldn't feel too bad after all.
Me Sister's ClothesTrust me. Sibling rivalry is deinitely present in a kiddo when he thought his sis had more attention from his parents. So, after throwing an item out of the window from me sis' wardrobe, I would notify mummy and daddy that something's missing from her wardrobe (Dear Fi, if you're reading this, hahaha... is that something new to you?). Well, I told you I was a monster when I was little. Try not to look shocked if you are =)
My Dad's Trophy CollectionWell, ever since that incident happened over ten years ago, he still remembers it. Hmmm, I guess it was his treasured possession. I remember clearly it was a cabinet which had 2 glass bases such that you could place two columns of trophies. And from the kind of length that I remember, one could easily place ten to twenty over trophhies there. Somehow, I managed to secure a stool, open that cabinet, and obtain a trophy. Then (not very long later), wheeee... off it went, out of the window. My dad's recollection was that when he came back from work one fine day, he saw bits of shattered gold and trophies at the ground floor. Initially, he ignored them. But as he saw more and more of them as he walked, he couldn't help but notice that they look awfully familiar. And somehow, he chanced upon one of the captions with his name on it, for some particular event. Well, they were trophies for boxing, soccer... etc. So, if you were to visit my room, you could see about 2 or 3 surviving ones. (My guess was that they were the unreachable ones in the cabinet.
An Ice BlockWell, at that kind of age, freezing water into ice seemed to be nothing less than facinating. After taking my favourite brown-coloured drinking cup, I would fill it with water and pop it into the freezer. After a long time (Well, was I dumb enough to wait through the entire fusion process? I guess not. I had lego to throw, remember?), Voilà! Out came ice =) Well, since the habit of throwing stuff kicks in often, I took it to the kitchen window and allowed gravity to do the rest. Oh, somehow the cup also cracked due to the science fact about water expanding at 4 degrees Celsius due to the intermolecular forces of repulsion between water molecules. But what do you expect a kid to know at that age, right? I remember my cup cracked as my brain happened to register that I was feeling kinda sad at the crack. But since it wasn't cracked enough to leak, the little ice factory production continued. Once, I was freaked out when I thought I heard a scream after gravity did its job. Thought I had killed someone. That stopped me from throwing things down, but not for long. I remember even convincing myself that no one died, but to no avail (so I guess I know what it feels to have killed someone). I looked through the papers for headlines (Yes, I could read a little by then, and for the first time in my life being so dilligent in reading the papers and watching the news. Can you imagine, a kiddo WATCHING NEWS?) for the headlines of someone killed by ice. It seemed like a joke now, but, really... An innocent kiddo at a tender age looking at the possibility of a death sentence (yep, somehow I knew) is no joke. Well, after a few days without news of a dead person beside a melting ice block, I was finally convinced I wasn't a murderer. What a relief!
Used Tissue PaperWell, tissue papers are for using, aren't they? Since they have outlived their purpose after one usage, coupled with a fancy of throwing stuff... you know....
A Crappy KiteAfter seeing how people put their kites up in the sky, me being me tried to make a kite by connecting thin strips of paper via staples to a kite-shaped piece of paper. And out it went. I remember once the wind did take it up but only for a moment. Other instances, they got trapped in the window frames of the levels above and below me. That's when the kite was jettisoned.
Hmmm, I was pretty sure that there were other items but I guess that's the end of my memory's funny pattern of registering childhood memories =) And remember... It's the recount of the life of the little me
then, not now. Don't look at me with different eyes now, hehe.
Thought: I miss my childhood days =/