I Need A Silent Piano!!!
Yup, the silent piano is a need, not a want. I need a silent piano (ok, I think I've just mentioned that, but I just can't contain it anymore, not even in a bracketed statement. I NEED a silent piano!!! Arrrgh!!! Oops... I think I'd better exit the bracket and continue ranting lest I should blog an entire entry in a bracket)!!!
Well, I need a silent piano (OK, I think I should just stop repeating this lest readers of this blog would only see mostly repetitions of "I need a silent piano" throughout this whole entry). And this is because:
1) More often than not, I get told off/reminded/told-off-in-a-nice-manner or get merely a silent protest from my dad through an exploding tv volume of decibels 10x of the big bang, if it even existed (which is not so silent after all, come to think about it. In fact, it's loud, very, very loud.).
2) The only times I have time to play the piano is after I reach home straight after school/church (which is not quite possible), straight after they start their nap if I reach home early (which is a serious no-no with unimaginable consequences), straight after dinner about an hour later (with the tv still being watched, but not by me - which is not quite nice/uncomplicated/stressful), and after my parents go to bed after tv (which is a serious no-no with greater unimaginable consequences. Well, although both sleeping time consequences are unimaginable and should hence be non-quantifiable, the latter is greater as my dad might well help to give the consequences on behalf on the neighbours also).
3) Even with the practise pedal being depressed, and with a light touch on the piano as compared to a lot of people, I could still be scolded for waking my parents up.
4) After getting the above 2 situations after 1.5 years, I think I had enough =\
5) After getting scolded not too long ago, which is a subset of the 3rd point, and with awareness of the existence of the silent piano, I just felt the ever-increasing need for one of those silent pianos. Arrrgh, I need a silent piano!
And of course, since hoping for a silent piano would not get me anywhere, I thought I might as well do something about it. Thus, I have:
1) Enlisted my sister's help, and in exchange, I shall help psycho my dad to allow her to go into NIE to teach P.E. and save her from the ever-dreaded engineering (or 'dreaded-to-be', for unsuspecting people who are about to get into it) come the day she gets her results and matriculation form.
2) Managed to start a conversation with my dear piano teacher, and hopefully it would somehow reach the point where she would help me psycho my dad to get me a silent piano because it is a dire need. Of course, 5 rabbits would be part of the bribery attempt.
3) As much as I'm trying to think of what I could possibly do to get a silent piano, what I have in mind (to be elaborated as you read on) may not be a very good idea although it may somehow achieve the same result: Play more (in terms of quantity of notes), longer and louder during the times my dad is watching tv and/or when my parents are asleep. Although this might cause him to finally reach the stage where I am, seeing the need for a silent piano... well, I might not live to see the day the silent piano come from just half the number of consequences. Thus, this is not an option. Hey, come to think about it, ironically this is the very thing I'm trying not to do, so this point should be placed as a minus/opposite/opposing point instead.
Sigh, I guess all these simply boil down to the fact that I do not dare (not that I'm afraid of my dad) to ask my dad for a silent piano. It's expensive and a very big thing to ask for =\
4) OK, this might seem a little off-format since here's a point after the concluding paragraph before I end, but, I guess I should just pray for a silent piano on top of all that I'm about to do. That would probably set all things in order =)
Thought: I NEED a silent piano. Sigh...