Well, just last week, I embarked on a trip to malacca, and as usual (or perhaps not that usual anymore since this is the first time I'm bringing my new handphone with a 2 megapixels camera with me), the following pics were taken (hmmm, sounds duh as usual, no thanks to the previous bracket):
Aggresive Advertising
These advertisements that I see above every single urinal, toilet bowl and sink happened to be the most disturbing of advertisements I've seen so far. Well, I suppose they speak (or rather, display) for themselves...
View From The Hotel
See the nice view that I could observe? Man... I was pretty glad that I was given the better room at random. But if you thought all I'm gonna do is to describe all the scenery on my blog, think again. I mean... given a crappy mind and armed with a camera, how many quirky pictures could I not snap/ignore, given the following observations:
Christmas Candy Cane-cum-...
Hmmm, it seemed that the meaning of christmas to the world seemed to evolve and evolve, first from the scrooge story to santa claus to candy canes and presents. And with the passing of time, voila! Even christmas lollipops (Mahkota edition, Malacca) are now out. Hmmm... interesting...
A Doorway
Well, this is a doorway (duh?) at the hotel that I stayed at. And through the door way one could observe a marble floor, a table on the floor, plants on the table, a window above the plants, lightings above the plants, a ceiling above the lightings... oops, looks like I got carried away. Actually, there is nothing quirky about the stuff beyond the doorway, because as the title suggests, it is about a doorway and not "beyond a doorway". And so... perhaps the next picture would better describe the quirk:
If the image is a little blurry, it states in caps "PLEASE KEEP FIRE DOOR CLOSED AT ALL TIMES". Hmmm... the door is open. And as much as I know, the door was still open when I left the hotel. Well, that's not all. Consider the following picture:
See... they actually used a magnetic door catch to keep the door open in spite of the fact that they labelled the door to be closed at all times. Hmmm, I wonder what's going on here. Or maybe it's better not to know considering that ignorance is bliss...
Umbrella Frenzy
Sigh, this happens when it rained so much in malacca as much as rain falls in singapore nowadays. Hey, even as I'm typing this entry, the sky's getting darker not because it's getting late, but because clouds are gathering. With increased use of the umbrella, repetitive fatigue loading increases on the poor umbrella resulting in a decrease in its fatigue life. Hence, tragedies such as these do happen just before one leaves the hotel on a rainy day. Also, tragedies aside... I have two conclusions/reasons/beliefs about bringing umbrellas: (1) So that I could have a form of a portable shelter when it rains, and (2) so that it would not rain (cause it always rains when I so happen not to have an umbrella with me).
Dinner At The Hotel
Well, perhaps this meal was meant to be educational, describing the different cultures considering that the small plate, the bigger plate, the mug, the container of
gua zhi, glasses and the mug are all of different categories? However, herein lies the confusion as to which category the hotel meant to educate us in: Era, class, income level, ironies... etc.
Hong Kong Village This is a picture taken of the menu at a restaurant in Nahkota Parade (ie. a shopping centre) Hmmm, interestingly, I still remember some of my chinese, and I seriously doubt their xiang is the actual word for xiang gang. Also, based on the menu, it states that they sell porridge, noodle and homes. Well, I guess more and more businesses are diversifying into other products of all sorts in order to expand their business and this restaurant going into properties are no exception =)
Information-at-a-cost Booth
Right after the meal, we went walking around and I noticed this information-at-a-cost booth that provides information, a telephone to call for help, and speakers. Why information-at-a-cost then? You see, although having such a automated and computerised information booth does incur expenses on the shopping mall itself, such a cost is also shared by its visiters (note: there is a coin slot just above the keyboard for users to pop in their coins for more information). Thus, information-at-a-cost is borne by the mall and its visitors...
Snippet Of A Pirate's Life
Perhaps it was the many games of Uncharted Waters, or perhaps it was the 3 shows of pirates of the caribbean. But, I guess at this angle/view, one could almost imagine what it was like for some not-so-lucky pirates during the last moments of their life being able to term people as "landlubbers" or being called "mangy curs"...
Hotel What?
Hmmm, seem to me that businesses are diversifying into more and more products. As much as ad*idas has gone into water bottles and coc*-c*la has gone into slippers, The He*ren is going into inns as much as restaurants are going into properties. And hey, I'm serious about coc*-c*la going into slippers. If that information is new to you, check out the following man:
See what I mean? And based on the current trend, I suppose it wouldn't be long before I get to taste my first micr*soft burger. I only hope that it is not as buggy as their operating systems...
Smoking Crackers
Nope nope... nobody was trying to take the above, roll it with some paper and trying to smoke it due to the increasing risks of getting cancer from cigarettes. Rather, this particular bag of lobster crackers is marketed in the most deceptive manner. Here's a closer shot:
Basically, the ingredients read: "Flour, prawn, sugar, cooking oil & salts". Hmmm, I'm not getting no lobster from no lobster cracker man... Just what on earth is going on???!!!
A Private Joke
Well, I don't expect anyone to understand this pic cause it's a private joke... But all I can say is "Hey, you see! This is so prophetic man... You just so have to get that guitar in time to come =)"
A Scary Indication Well, with all the rain coming down, resulting in the demise of one of the umbrellas that we had, I can't help but feel/be a little over-sensitive when I saw this plastic-bagged-vent right above my seat in the coach, especially if it was raining at the point I was seated right beneath it. Hmmm... it seemed like water could come down at any moment. I suppose being armed with an umbrella to prevent (yup, to prevent, not to shield, based on the above 2nd conclusion/belief/reason) rain would have been the wisest thing to do before choosing this seat...
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