The T43 Interview
Considering that this is the term break, and after all the studying for today (though insignificant in quantity and quality), coupled with the fact that it's quite late at night (or rather, early in the morning)... here I am blogging. Although I intended to blog about some conversation with Nick, somehow the file with its contents are missing. But no matter - such a setback is easily overcome with the night effects and my usual wondering of what my laptop would say in an interview:
Interviewer: Hi Glass Cookie's (GC) laptop! How may I address you?
GC's Laptop: Hi! I'm from the IBM Thinkpad T43 series. Although I sometimes hear my master's complaint about the very next series having a dual-core processor while mine's only a pathetic processor by itself, I'm proud of myself. Hey, I'm processing at 1.86 GHz, ok? That means I process 1.86 billion cycles per second! Could you beat that? Furthermore, I believe that if you were to calculate how many floating-point calculations per second I could perform, which is a more accurate test of my speed...
Interviewer (apparent lost, interrupting): Erm, ok, ok. So, your name is?
GC's Laptop (looking sad): Oh... well... since he never really named me... I don't know. Hey, give me a name! [Looks excitedly at the interviewer]
Interviewer (frowning): Oh, this would be hard. Hmmm... Since you're black in colour, shall it be 'Blackie'?
GC's Laptop: Hey! That's a dog name. No way am I going to be downgraded to that! The life span of a dog is pretty much short to begin with. A computer processor is built to last forever. Well, at least those were the standards of the Pentium 1 to 2 processors. Gone were the days... [mumbles something that sounded like a lament]
Interviewer: Well, I think I'll just stick with 'laptop', since that's what people call you.
GC's Laptop: Hmmm, OK. It's not like I have a choice. Ironically, I work on a table. Why didn't people call me a tabletop?
Interviewer (ignoring the digression): So, laptop, how would you describe your life?
GC's Laptop: My life is pretty simple actually. All day long I process stuff, and run programs. Sometimes viruses too. Those are nasty stuff. I don't mind running anything since I'm built to process stuff. But it's my master's irritation that causes the whole affair to be nasty. Hey, you're not going to tell him any part of this conversation right? You better not. As I'm networked, you can be sure that the very day he knows of this, I will, through the internet, firewalls, proxy servers and all reach you unless you decide never to touch the internet for life and...
Interviewer (intimidated): OK, OK. Don't worry. He wouldn't know. But I believe that you must be proud of being a programmer's laptop right?
GC's Laptop (proudly): Of course! I have programming languages like C/C++, Java, VB, VB.Net on my system, although... well... they are hardly run nowadays. [Produces yet another lamenting sound] Not ever since my master switched over from computer to a*rospace engineering. And you know what happens after that? Now, he plays games and games and more games and my poor buttons are repeatedly pressed. I hate Metal Slug the most. It's those same ole' 8 buttons that are pressed repeatedly. Can't he just use the others once in a while for goodness sake?
Interviewer: Well, do those 8 buttons of yours hurt?
GC's Laptop: Nope. Unlike humans, I do not have nerves. But I'm more concerned about the life span of my buttons. Should any button fail, he might just replace me and off I go to be disassembled. That's tragic!
Interviewer: OK, I get what you mean. So, he games all the time?
GC's Laptop: Well, not exactly. Other than gaming, he reads his notes on me, because he sees no point in printing notes when they could be downloaded through the useful me. Man, could you see what a busy life I lead? Entertain him with games, display his notes, download all kinds of stuff he wants. I work practically over 12 hours a day! I mean, what would he do without me?
Interviewer: Well... he could get another laptop?
GC's Laptop: Oh, that's true. [Looking sad]
[sobbing is heard at one corner of the table]
Interviewer: Hmmm, and who might that be?
Stack of dusty printed notes (SDPN): [sneeze! - from the dust] Oh, I'm sorry to disturb you guys. I'm a printed stack of notes. I'm sorry. I shall remain as a quiet pile. Please continue your interview with the laptop. [sneeze! Sobbing continues, and fades as it suppresses its emotions]
Interviewer (concerned): Oh, don't worry about that. Say, why are you crying?
GC Laptop: Yea, why?
SDPN (timidly, and softly): Well, I... I tried not to get any attention, but upon hearing that... that he uses you (ie. the laptop) for notes, I couldn't help but... but feel sorry for myself. You see, I have been here since the first semester started and no one has read me at all.
Interviewer: Oh, I'm sorry about your sorrowful state. How did that happen?
SDPN: Well, my master figured out that... that he could find what he wanted by using some "control F" thingy on the laptop, whatever that means. So... so... he has no need for me other than... than... rough work. Waaaa [breaks out into wailing]
GC's Laptop: Well, that's true. I AM fast. [Laptop beams in pride]
SDPN: I would like to be alone. Waaaa.... [stops to consider] No. I AM alone. WAAAAAAA...!!!
Interviewer (apparently disturbed, and trying to ignore the wailing): OK. This is getting uncomfortable. OK, last question, since I'm running out of time. If you had a wish, what would that be?
GC's Laptop: Hmmm, if I had a wish, I wish that... hmmm... HMMM... [does some serious processing] Well, I don't know. Hey, I wasn't made with a physical mind of my own. Aha, I got it! I wish I would have a physical mind of my own. And then, I could then do anything I wished, and not be at the mercy of a master who runs me like a slave driver.
Interviewer (recalling an earlier threat, and relieved at the impossibility of that wish): OK. Got it. Thank you for your time. I wish you well.
GC's Laptop: You're welcome. Bye bye!
[Interviewer leaves, with the sound of wailing from the stack of dusty papers fading into the background with each step]
My gosh, I didn't realise this entry was so long. Oh well, this happens when crappiness takes over. Off to sleep before this gets worse...
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