Murder Scene
A video capturing device recorded the following events that took place on the night the roachy was hanging out at, moments before its body washed up the end of the sewage pipe.
[GC dumps trash at the sink area]
GC's eye: Unidentified body detected in sink. Identity confirmed. Class: Roach
GC's intelligence unit: Proceed to exterminate, according to protocol
GC's mind: I'm pissed... as if I'm not busy enough, this roachy has intruded private property.
GC's flight mechanism: Man, let's get out of this area
GC's fight mechanism: Denied. Advance to obtain mozziquito swatter.
[GC goes to take the mozziquito swatter]
GC's intelligence unit: Determine if Roachy is still at sink
GC's eye: Affirmative. Roachy is still at sink.
GC's eye: New activity detected. Roachy has climbed onto the door ledge.
GC's fight mechanism: Proceed to strike Roachy.
GC's flight mechanism: Oh man, here we goooooooo... yikes!!!
[GC whacks at Roachy but missses]
GC's fight mechanism: Missed. Proceed to take aim.
[Roachy ends up on the ground]
GC's intelligence unit: Roachy is vulnerable now. This is the best time to strike.
GC's fight mechanism: Ready... take aim... strike!
[It was a hit and Roachy ends up upside-down on the ground]
GC's intelligence unit: Proceed to perform cleanup, as per protocol.
GC's mind: No no. When you wanna finish someone off, you've got to do it the mafiaso way whereby a group of guys clear all the rounds of their pistol on a body.
GC's fight mechanism: Proceed for repeated strike until signalled to stop.
GC's mind: Die, Roachy, DIEEEEEE... muahahaha, MUAHAHAHA!!!
[GC sends about 3-5 whacks on the upside-down roachy... legs flew around, brown juice splattered about and Roachy is motionless]
GC's intelligence unit: Proceed to perform cleanup, as per protocol.
GC's fight mechanism: Cease striking and proceed to cleanup.
[Motionless, mutilated Roachy is wrapped up in a thick tissue and flushed down the toilet]
As this case has been classified as unauthorised entry in restricted zone, the case has since been closed.
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