An Interesting Shopping Trip
Hmmm, did I mention a shopping trip? Correction. It's a tagging trip. =) Since my sis (after having insisted over months that I change my church bag because she so hates it) wanted me to get a new bag yesterday, technically speaking, we went to shop for it. But me being the usual me, it was a tagging trip. And as such, my previous-to-be bag shall be decommissioned as of this saturday (well, previous-to-be and saturday because I still have stuff it it, hence it's still officially being 'used' in a sense). [Oh, here's an interruption of the flow of my blog. My sis wanted to comment "good riddance" to the old bag. Okie, back to the initial flow of the post].
Well, unlike usual posts of my friends who put their shopping list on their blog, I'm not about to do it. Since I'm not interested in shopping anyway, it's not like I'm able to list a whole bunch of items after a shopping spree. It's (ie. a shopping spree) technically not possible to begin with. In fact, if anything I bought qualified to belong to a shopping list, it would probably look like this:
Shopping List for the month of XXX
- Lunch (01/XX/07)
- Dinner (01/XX/07)
- Lunch (02/XX/07)
- Dinner (02/XX/07)
- Lunch (03/XX/07)
- Dinner (03/XX/07)
- Lunch (04/XX/07)
- Lunch (05/XX/07) ... etc.
So, blogging about my shopping list would definitely be a no-no. In fact, it would bore so many readers such that no one would ever bother to load this blog page anymore. Why then, do I bother to blog? On the other hand, I wonder what's so interesting about blogging about one's shopping spree. Are people genuinely interested in what one would get (Of course, such a question cannot be answered by me - a tagger. Rather, only true shoppers could answer this question. But do let me know if any shoppers out there has an answer. I'm curious)? Come to think about it, I doubt people blog about their shopping list since it's usually the bought items that are mentioned. So instead, it is their shopped/bought/purchased list that they blog about. Oh, it seemed that I've digressed from what I originally intended to blog about.
OK, back to the topic - The interesting shopping/tagging trip. The reason why it was interesting was this: I noticed that my sis' sense of fashion was interesting, or even quirky to me. OK, maybe I was the quirky one, but it did interest me to know that she was fascinated with beads. Although it would seem abrupt to end here because this is the main gist of this entry after yet another looooong grandfather/grandmother/ancestor/dinosaur/pre-earth-dweller... etc. story, I shall blog about a theory that I formulated while shopping (nope, it's not about some maths related to the pricing of items when one goes shopping, although maths is involved somehow as you would realise as you read on).
You see, those beads that my sis was fascinated with are those big dark-brown/black, wooden beads of 3-cm diameter strung together with some other stuff into a long necklace. And somehow, those beads reminded me of the kind of projectiles that those high-monks/grand-masters in Shaolin use, when the monk would chant while rotating using those beads in their hand, only to fire them off as projectiles when a hostile character was stirring trouble. Considering that a bead of a mass similar to that of a bullet could actually hit a man off his feet and disable him without fatally injuring him, this could well be a lost art where the modern police force could use in replacement of guns in the event when they only want to immobilise a person.
Worked example:
Mass of target: 80 kg = 784.8 N
Displacement of target = around 2 m.
Assuming all energy is transferred from bead to person (ie. no energy loss),
Muzzle (or rather, finger) energy = 784.8 N * 2 m = 1569.6 J = 3x of a normal pistol = a rifle!!!
Thus, a Shaolin monk could easily out perform pistols with just a hand. Then again, this would mean that all police officers will have to be Shaolin high-monks. And as such, this theory is invalid.
Hmmm, I think I'd better end now and get back to my aerodynamics, before those CA questions kill me this wednesday.